Card of the Day 14

Each day, I will draw a card from a different deck and post here my reflections

West Shield: Sacred Path Oracle

I selected today’s card from my beloved Sacred Path cards, the only Oracle deck I use regularly.

It’s widsom comes from the Plain’s Indian culture of North America and I think it holds many insights into modern living and the lessons we need to learn about treading lightly upon the earth.

West Shield brings the message that personal reflection is necessary at this time.

If things lack clarity, the way forward is within you, but you are not hearing it because there are too many other things on your mind.

You must make time to hear your inner voice in order to make the wisest decision right now.

Bear’s personal medicine is keen observation and adaptability.

As one of the largest predators she has keen instincts and the ability to provide well for her family.

Use her medicine now to find out how to keep on focus for achieving your own goals.

Mitakuye Oyasin – We Are All Related

Card of the Day 7

Each day, I will draw a card from a different deck and post here my reflections

Four of Cups: Shadowscape Tarot

A beautiful mermaid gazes idly at her own reflection in the water beneath the rock where she rests.

She whispers I’m bored. But no-one hears.

She cries I’m not happy. But no-one answers.

Or perhaps they do and she is the one who does not hear, who fails to answer.

The tiny air sprites all around her go unnoticed, for she has only time for her own sadness. They might be calling her to join their game, to push bubbles to the top of the water so they can chase them until they burst! But she has no time for them and so misses the moment.

Beneath her in the briny depths, life goes on, her friends continue with their own lives while she lies wallowing in her own discontent.

Look around her and you will see, there is so much for her to do, her environment is so rich and ever changing.

When 4 Cups appears in your spread, do take care that you are not spending all the precious NOW wondering what you’re missing. Perhaps life is pretty good really and you just need to shake yourself up a little.

Mitakuye Oyasin – We Are All Related

Reflections on a rainy day

I awoke today to a grey sky and a thin drizzle of rain.  The thought of getting out of my warm cosy bed was less than appealing.  But the rain is a gift of the season.  It waters the thirsty earth, bringing life and vigour to the slumbering vegetation.  I too must use this day, as if it were my only day, and not squander its opportunities.  I have writing to do, work preparations and perhaps the greatest gift of this day, an opportunity for reflection.

So I shall leave you with these words, written so long ago by someone much wiser than I:
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